Is There a Fifth Dimension?

Imagine a world where you can only move forwards and backwards along a line. You’d see nothing but single points in front of you, and nothing but single points behind you—a one-dimensional world. Now expand this to a second dimension—you can move forwards and backwards, and also left and right, experiencing the world…

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Author: Ryan F. Mandelbaum on Gizmodo, shared by Virginia K. Smith to Lifehacker

Should You Book an Airbnb That Has No Reviews?

While looking through a particularly beautiful Airbnb listing, you might think to yourself: This place is too good to be true. You browse the listing’s photos, read about its amenities—which include a pool and a sundeck—and it’s around this time when you discover the listing has zero reviews.

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Author: Josh Ocampo

Don’t Feel Guilty for Having ‘Only’ One Child

We all know the stereotypes. Only children are maladjusted. They’re selfish, spoiled brats. Only children are, quite simply, weird. And by not having more kids, you’re selfish, too, doing lifelong damage by depriving your child of the all-important Sibling Relationship.

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Author: Meghan Moravcik Walbert on Offspring, shared by Meghan Moravcik Walbert to Lifehacker

How to Make the Best Steak and Eggs

Eating steak for breakfast is a bold move. On a scale from one to lumberjack, it’s about a nine. But even if you consider yourself a Ron Swanson type, beginning your day with a porterhouse is setting yourself up for sleepiness, and some cuts are more suited to a morning meal than others.

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Author: Claire Lower on Skillet, shared by Claire Lower to Lifehacker