How to Save on Your Cell Phone Bill Without a Family Plan

People love to brag about how little they pay for their cell phone plan. But ask them how they got a rate so low, and they’re bound to tell you one of two things: Either they’re on a family plan, or they’ve been on the same plan for 14 years and have been grandfathered into some sort of amazing unlimited service.

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Author: Lisa Rowan on Two Cents, shared by Lisa Rowan to Lifehacker

The Two-Step Path to Financial Independence

If you’re interested in financial independence, whether you want to see if you can accumulate enough capital to retire early or just want the kind of financial stability that lets you live your life as you choose, there’s a two-step path to getting there.

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Author: Nicole Dieker on Two Cents, shared by Nicole Dieker to Lifehacker

Use an Air Fryer for Optimal Snacking

If you’ve given up valuable counter space for an air fryer, getting the most out your loud, boxy appliance becomes a priority the moment you unpack it. Luckily, it has many uses, from restoring leftovers to their former glory, to making delicious, yet nutritious, veggie-heavy snacks.

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Author: Danielle Guercio on Skillet, shared by Danielle Guercio to Lifehacker

How to Start Meditating with Your Child

If it seems like our kids are more scheduled, more anxious and more pressured than ever before, it’s because they probably are. It can be challenging for them (and us!) to find ways to unplug and relax. But for kids as young as preschool age, a few minutes of meditation every day can teach them how to stop, focus and…

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Author: Meghan Moravcik Walbert on Offspring, shared by Meghan Moravcik Walbert to Lifehacker

Reasons women seek divorce at a higher rate than men

More than two-thirds of divorces are initiated by women according to a 2015 study by the American Sociological Association. Women in Texas may file for divorce from their husbands for a number of reasons, but the underlying theme of all those reasons is that marriage tends to hold fewer advantages for women compared to men.

For example, even working women continue to do more housework than their husbands; one study reports that just 20% of husbands do daily housework compared to 49% of wives. For some women, career advancement can also strain the marriage. A 2019 study found that many men reported feeling distressed when their wives began making more money than them. Women who find that they are doing more than their share of the home and child care and who are also resented by their husbands for career success may decide they are better off unmarried.

Communication problems also hinder many marriages. Men tend to be more emotionally closed off from others, and a spouse may be their sole source of emotional support, making men less likely to divorce. Women tend to seek emotional support from friends as well. Additionally, with fewer women reliant on marriage for financial security, wives are less likely to put up with infidelity, abuse or other behaviors than in the past.

Some couples may be able to reach an agreement about child custody and property division through negotiation or mediation. Others may have to go to court. The advantages of coming to an agreement without going to court are that the process may be easier, less expensive and less stressful. It also puts control about the final outcome in the hands of both spouses instead of a judge. However, if one spouse is uncooperative, litigation may be the only option.

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Author: On behalf of Katie L. Lewis of Katie L. Lewis, P.C. Family Law