Put Halloween Candy in Pancakes

This particular Halloween has gone on for about 10 days, which means you have probably amassed a large pile of candy, even if you don’t have any children. This candy can be eaten as is, hoarded in the freezer, or chopped up and sprinkled into pancakes. (You can also take all three courses of action, depending on the…

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Author: Claire Lower on Skillet, shared by Claire Lower to Lifehacker

How to Set Up Your Brand-New AirPods Pro

I am weak. I splurged on a brand-new pair of AirPods Pro and I’ve been fiddling around with them all day. Setting up these third-generation wireless earbuds isn’t that difficult, but there are a few settings you’re definitely going to want to play with if you preordered a pair yourself (or plan to pick some up later).

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Author: David Murphy